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Our Mission

To ignite curiosity and respect for our natural world through accessible, interactive and educational programs.

Nature Facts

There are a bunch of mammals that visit or live in Heartland Forest such as, bats, coyotes, chipmunks, rabbits, squirrels, muskrats, opossums, raccoons, foxes, and deer!

Many trees along our trails are labeled with their names! Both scientific and common!

Heartland Forest is home to Both Barn swallows and tree swallows! If you see a bird with blue back and a white throat that’s a tree swallow! If the bird has a blue back with a red throat that a barn swallow!

Turtles can be seen sunbathing to regulate their temperature, they are called exotherms or “cold blooded”.

Click Here For Info On Ticks and Lyme Disease

Thank You
to Our Sponsors
Harry Foster Foundation
Lloyd-Carr-Harris Foundation
Ontario Paper Thorold Foundation
Ontario Power Generation
Ontario Trillium Foundation
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Unity for Autism
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