Our Mission
To ignite curiosity and respect for our natural world through accessible, interactive and educational programs.
Nature Facts

Gift Shop

Welcome to Heartland Forest’s Gift Shop, we are pleased to offer variety of items made onsite in Heartland Forest’s very own Woodworking Shop. All proceeds from Gift Shop sales go directly back into our all ages, all abilities programming! Visit the Nature Centre to see more items available and check out our current In Store […]
The Property

Our Vision Inspiring people of all ages and all abilities to respect, protect and enjoy the world of nature. All trails are considered easy and accessible unless marked A Pin Oak Trail (442m) B Black Gum Trail (926m) C OTF Boardwalk Trail (275m) D Accessible Pollinator Loop (124m) E OPG Pollinator Trail (540m) Rest Area […]
How Donations Help

Where does my donation go? Heartland Forest aims to continue its dedicated efforts to its many stakeholders in the Niagara Region, and we can only do so with your continued generous support! With your donation, we can benefit countless people in our community, primarily in the ways of conservation, accessibility, education, and wellness. or read […]
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