Event is Sold Out!
- Create an account today if you are not already a member of SmartRec, ensure you add each child you wish to register for PumpkinFest tickets to your account.
- Select the time slot of your choosing for each child & then pay as directed
We currently cannot accept payment via cash or debit, if you are unable to pay by credit card please come to the Nature Centre.
Scroll down to see the full list of Pumpkinfest FAQ’s
Saturday October 26th
2 time slots
10am-12pm & 1pm-3pm
No refunds!
Fall has arrived and it’s time for our 17th Annual PumpkinFest. This will be a “Spooktacular” Outdoor Halloween Celebration that includes a family friendly haunted tree house, Tootsie Express train ride, field games, activities, craft, petting zoo and our signature Trail of Treats!
You can register for the morning or the afternoon time slot.
Registration Required for EACH CHILD participating – Limited capacity
No Walk-Ins Day of Event! Rain or shine!
** Parents and/or caregivers DO NOT need a ticket. If you purchase a ticket for a parent or caregiver it will be considered a donation to Heartland Forest **

Interested in volunteering at PumpkinFest 2024? We’d love to have you!
Volunteer Registration
PUMPKINFEST REGISTRATION – Frequently asked Questions
Q: Do I need to buy an admission ticket for each child?
A: Yes, each child requires an admission ticket. Please bring your purchase receipt to the Info Booth on Saturday, October 26th at either 10am or 1pm (whichever you purchased) and you will be provided with a passport for each child. The passport must be presented to participate in the trail of treats, haunted tree house, train rides, petting zoo, crafts and games.
Q: Do adults need to buy an admission ticket?
A: No – PumpkinFest activities are geared for children and youth/adults with special needs. Admission tickets are required to get a passport to participate in the activities.
Q: Do I need to buy an admission ticket for my toddler?
A: Only if you would like your toddler to participate in the activities listed above. Anyone participating must have a passport.
Q: Will there be food available?
A: Yes! French fries, hot dogs, water, coffee and hot chocolate will be available for purchase.
Q: Can I get a refund?
A: No! There are NO refunds but you may transfer your admission ticket to another individual. They will be required to provide proof authenticating the transfer from you to them. Please have them bring this when they pick up their passport – either day of or in advance. Passports will be available to pick up starting on Saturday, October 19th at the Nature Centre, open 9am to 4pm daily.
Q: Can I change my time slot:
A: Yes. Please email info@heartlandforest.org. Please note changes are only possible when tickets are still available for the requested time slot.
Q: Can I transfer my admission ticket to another individual?
A: Yes! They will be required to provide proof authenticating the transfer from you to them. Please have them bring this when they pick up their passport – either day of or in advance. Passports will be available to pick up starting on Saturday, October 19th at the Nature Centre, open 9am to 4pm daily.
Q: Can I pick up our tickets in advance?
A: Yes! We encourage this. Passports will be available to pick up starting on Saturday, October 19th at the Nature Centre, open 9am to 4pm daily.