We are proud to present our first JUNK in the TRUNK Sale! On June 15th, 8 am-12 pm (vendors arrive at 7:30 am for set up). Bring your spring cleaning items to sell at Heartland Forest’s community sale, Vendors keep their sales and proceeds from space & table rentals go to Hope Floats & Wellspring Niagara. One person’s Junk is another person’s Treasure!
Vendor Spaces are $10 per spot. 8’ tables are available to rent for $5 or bring a table.
Bottle & Can Drive: Accepting wine, spirit and cooler containers over 100 ml sold through LCBO stores and Ontario winery retail stores, and beer containers over 100 ml from The Beer Store or sold outside The Beer Store system (this includes tetra, bag in box and cases). Proceeds going to Hope Floats & Wellspring Niagara.
May 15 to June 15: Drop off your empties at the Reception located in the Nature Centre, between 9 am & 4 pm, 7 days a week.
Pick up of empties available within Niagara Falls on Saturday, June 8th: to arrange for the pick up of your empties contact Lisa Arp by Wed., June 5th.