Available during business hours
Nov 1 to April 30
Available evenings after 2pm & weekends
all year round

Nature Presentation, Guided Walk and Campfire
Learn about our local wildlife including hands on examination of taxidermy and wildlife artifacts. Enjoy a guided hike led by our environmental staff and relax roasting marshmallows around a campfire. Have a specific topic in mind? Birds, Flora, Species at Risk, Invasive Species? – Our presentations are customizable! Add-ons are available for an additional fee.
Duration: 2 hours Fee: $23/adult $11.50/student
Friendship Garden Tour (available seasonally)
Join our indigenous educator for a presentation of companion planting at our Nature Centre followed by a guided medicinal plant walk through our trails to our Friendship Garden for a tour. Then gather around our campfire for a cornbread making demonstration and tasting. Participants will receive seeds to take home and plant.
Duration: 2 hours Fee: $23/adult $11.50/student
Children’s Environmental Program
Includes a nature related activity including wildlife artifacts, team building, a guided hike along our trails and a campfire marshmallow roast. Activities adjusted for elementary through high school ages
Duration: 1.5 hours Fee: $11.50/participant your organizations staff/leaders are free
Scouts and Girl Guides Special:
Children’s Environmental Program Discounted cost $9.00/child
Early Learners Family Fun
Preschool participants and their families will enjoy a series of 5 activity stations designed to explore and educate. Includes self guided and staffed stations with wildlife artifacts and a live creature encounter.
Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours Fee: $8.50/child age 2-10 Staff are free $4/adults and teens

Train: Add a train ride $30 (20 minutes)
Other Options include: Teambuilding Activities, Campfire marshmallow roasting, Crafts or Woodworking, Bushcraft Skills Contact lisa.staton@heartlandforest.org for more information
Prices do not include child supervision by Heartland staff
Minimum 20 participant fee applies to all bookings